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Lateblooming Perennials That Will Color Your Fall Garden

Title: LateBlooming Perennials That Will Color Your Fall Garden


As the days start to get shorter and the weather starts to cool, many people's gardens start to lose their color. But there are a number of late-blooming perennials that can help to keep your garden looking vibrant and colorful all season long.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best late-blooming perennials for your garden. We will provide information on each plant's hardiness zone, mature size, flower color, and other important details. We will also offer tips on how to plant and care for these plants so that you can enjoy their beautiful blooms for years to come.

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Here are some of the best late-blooming perennials for your garden:

  • Asters are a classic choice for fall gardens. They come in a wide variety of colors, including purple, blue, pink, white, and yellow. Asters are relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a range of soil conditions. They typically bloom from late summer to early fall. Image of Asters
  • Chrysanthemums are another popular choice for fall gardens. They come in an even wider variety of colors than asters, including bright orange, deep red, and creamy white. Chrysanthemums are also relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a range of soil conditions. They typically bloom from late summer to late fall. Image of Chrysanthemums
  • Goldenrod is a native North American wildflower that is known for its bright yellow blooms. Goldenrod is a hardy plant that can tolerate poor soil and drought conditions. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Goldenrod
  • Helenium is a perennial that is known for its large, daisy-like flowers. Helenium comes in a variety of colors, including orange, red, and yellow. Helenium is a relatively easy-care plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Helenium
  • Knapweed is a hardy perennial that is known for its purple or pink flowers. Knapweed is a drought-tolerant plant that can tolerate poor soil conditions. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Knapweed
  • Liatris is a perennial that is known for its spikes of purple or pink flowers. Liatris is a relatively easy-care plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Liatris
  • Monarda is a perennial that is known for its spikes of lavender, pink, or red flowers. Monarda is a relatively easy-care plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Monarda
  • Penstemon is a perennial that is known for its spikes of tubular flowers. Penstemon comes in a variety of colors, including blue, red, pink, and white. Penstemon is a relatively easy-care plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Penstemon
  • Shasta daisy is a perennial that is known for its large, white flowers. Shasta daisy is a relatively easy-care plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Shasta daisy
  • Sedum is a succulent perennial that is known for its star-shaped flowers. Sedum comes in a variety of colors, including red, pink, yellow, and white. Sedum is a relatively easy-care plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. It typically blooms from late summer to early fall. Image of Sedum


These are just a few of the many late-blooming perennials that can add color and interest to your garden in the fall. By choosing a variety of plants with different flower colors and bloom times, you can extend the flowering season in your garden and enjoy beautiful blooms all season long.

Are you looking for late blooming perennials to add color to your garden in the fall? Visit Home Gardening for a list of the best late blooming perennials for your climate. You'll find information on everything from plant height and bloom time to hardiness zone and soil requirements.

In addition to providing detailed information on individual plants, Home Gardening also offers tips on how to plant, care for, and propagate late blooming perennials. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, you're sure to find everything you need to know about late blooming perennials at Home Gardening.

FAQ of late blooming perennials

  • What are some late blooming perennials?

    There are many late blooming perennials, but some of the most popular include:

    • Asters
    • Goldenrod
    • Japanese anemone
    • Michaelmas daisies
    • Perennial sunflowers
    • Shasta daisies
    • Turtlehead
  • When do late blooming perennials bloom?

    Late blooming perennials typically bloom in the late summer or fall. Some may even bloom into the winter.

  • Where should I plant late blooming perennials?

    Late blooming perennials can be planted in full sun or partial shade. They prefer well-drained soil.

  • How do I care for late blooming perennials?

    Late blooming perennials need regular watering, especially during the hot summer months. They may also need to be deadheaded to encourage more blooms.

  • How can I extend the blooming period of late blooming perennials?

    You can extend the blooming period of late blooming perennials by deadheading regularly and fertilizing them every few weeks. You can also plant them in a location that gets morning sun and afternoon shade.

  • What is the latest date to plant late blooming perennials?

    You can plant late blooming perennials anytime until the ground freezes in the fall. However, if you live in a cold climate, it is best to plant them in the spring.

Image of late blooming perennials

10 different images of late blooming perennials that are free to use:

  1. Echinacea. Echinacea is a daisy-like flower that blooms in late summer and early fall. It comes in a variety of colors, including purple, pink, white, and yellow. Image of Echinacea late blooming perennial
  2. Rudbeckia. Rudbeckia is another daisy-like flower that blooms in late summer and fall. It comes in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and brown. Image of Rudbeckia late blooming perennial
  3. Delphinium. Delphinium is a tall, spiky flower that blooms in late spring and early summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, white, and pink. Image of Delphinium late blooming perennial
  4. Campanula. Campanula is a bell-shaped flower that blooms in early summer and late summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, white, and pink. Image of Campanula late blooming perennial
  5. Anise hyssop (Agastache). Anise hyssop is a tall, spiky flower that blooms in late summer and fall. It has a strong, anise-like fragrance. Image of Anise hyssop late blooming perennial
  6. Cranesbill (Hardy geranium). Cranesbill is a low-growing, spreading flower that blooms in late spring and early summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including pink, red, white, and purple. Image of Cranesbill late blooming perennial
  7. Salvia. Salvia is a tall, upright flower that blooms in late summer and fall. It comes in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, pink, and white. Image of Salvia late blooming perennial
  8. Coreopsis. Coreopsis is a low-growing, spreading flower that blooms in early summer and late summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and white. Image of Coreopsis late blooming perennial
  9. Red valerian (Centranthus). Red valerian is a tall, spiky flower that blooms in late summer and fall. It has a strong, clove-like fragrance. Image of Red valerian late blooming perennial
  10. Gaillardia. Gaillardia is a daisy-like flower that blooms in late spring and summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and white. Image of Gaillardia late blooming perennial

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